Sunday, December 7, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Bugs!

A year ago, after your second birthday was when I decided to start blogging...if you can really call it that. It was at that time that I decided that the combination of how fun you were becoming, coupled with how terrible my memory is was a perfect combination to start capturing these moments forever!

Since then, it's only gotten better. You. Not my memory. Or my blogging. 

Santiago, Santi, Bug-a-Boo, Santi Cinco, V, Bugs, Mr. Man, Aago and TT are nicknames you've accumulated over the past 3 years and this morning on your 3rd birthday you gave yourself a new name...Santi Spidey! 

At 3 you are non-stop, rambunctious, all boy at your craziest but soft and gentle and so loving at your sweetest. Santiago, please maintain all of those qualities that make you the strong compassionate little boy you are today. 

In the past year you've visited your family in Pittsburgh, Texas and Vegas. You went sled riding for the first time, started soccer and gymnastics lessons, started keeping up with the big kids in the 'hood, got your tonsils and adenoids out, became a great jumper into the "big pool", watched movies under the stars, started telling stories, singing songs and having a "girlfriend"...I don't know if I'm ready for that one! 

You refuse to use the potty even though I know you know how. You love almond butter and jelly sandwiches and broccoli, you're starting to drink just a little less milk a little more water and quit taking naps most of the time. 

You're into super heroes (Spidey & Super Man), Mickey Mouse Club House, firetrucks, bulldozers and wrestling anyone that will get down on the floor with you. 

Some of your (in)famous phrases include:

"Ugh, where'd my toys go?" Every morning you say this when you wake up to see your toys have been cleaned up in the living room from the night before. 

"Mama, push the butt", "I want to touch the butt", "where's the butt?" Replace all of the "butt"s with "button". Make it more appropriate? It reminds me of your first fave movie, Finding Nemo when they say "*gasp* He touched the butt!!!" Replace butt with boat in that case. 

You ask me to "build a bridge" when you're being tucked in at night. This means to wrap the blanket around & under your cute little piggies. 

You're definitely in the "why" phase, but I've turned it into a competition. Do I run out of answers to your incessant whys before you stop asking? I'm getting pretty good!!

I say, "you're the best" and you respond with, "no. I'm not the best. I'm Santiago Guerra."  This is true, but I still think you're the best!

This last year has been so much fun with you. I'm so impressed with everything you're learning, your negotiating skills and how sweet you can be. I'm so excited for what's next, to see what changes & what stays the same. One thing that will never change is how proud I am to be your Mama...even though you now call me Mom or Mommeeeeee every once in a while. 

Here's a recap of your 3rd birthday party & continued celebrations. You had special visitors from Texas this year-grandpa, grandma Nena, big Mamo & big Popo....whose names have thoroughly confused your father and I on this trip :)

There are a lot of pictures to follow, but the best part is definitely the pinata video...enjoy!

Captain Aago

This is your gf, Natalia.  You're in charge.  Obviously.

Sword fiiiiiights!!!!

Pinata was the best part!
Santiago Jr. down to Santiago V - 4 of the 5 generations

Spiderman on birthday morning

You asked for waffles & bacon for your birthday breakfast

Shooting webs
Beauty & the Beast at the Children's Theater for your birthday!

Brunch at Nada
It was awesome to have your Grandparents AND Great Grandparents here to celebrate with you.  Thanks for giving us another year of love, laughs, snuggles and sometimes pure exhaustion.  It's worth every second!  We love you, Bugs!

1 comment:

  1. Keep living the good life! Life is to short and the blog will be hear to all the kids when grow up to read and share with their kids. GOD, FAMILY, BASEBALL.....
